What Sugar Does to Your Digestion

Healthy vital digestion is crucial for looking and feeling your best. It’s an essential part of the detoxification process as well as ensuring your body gets all the nutrients it needs. When your digestion is inhibited or not working as it should, your whole body suffers the effects. Sugar’s effect on the digestive system has less to do with the systems mechanical functions, and more to do with the inhabitants that keep things working as they should: your gut microbiome.

The little bacteria that live in your gut are linked to more than just digestive health. These little microbes are essential for a healthy immune system and hormonal balance. When the bad bacteria in your gut outnumber the good, your inner ecosystem loses balance and the results are poor digestion, candida overgrowth, parasites and more serious digestive issues like leaky gut syndrome or IBS. Even minor symptoms like gas, bloating, and skin problems all link back to an imbalance in the gut microbiome. Sugar is the main culprit that throws off this delicate internal balance

Sugar feeds bad bacteria and makes them thrive, while good bacteria love healthy foods that are high in nourishing fats and fiber. When you get rid of sugar you literally starve the bad bacteria that cause every system in your body to suffer. Just another reason to ditch sugar and start feeling totally vital and energized!

Want even more great tips to help you lose weight, improve your digestion, increase your energy and end your sugar addiction once and for all?

Let’s have a chat and see what is going on and how we can help!

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