Huntington Harbour Athletic Club is proud to present a free seminar hosted by Joan of Health. Joan is a Board Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach and will be hosting a free seminar from 11:00 – 11:30 at the gym.
A little about Joan and her philosophy (from her website):
“I believe that most of us do know the difference between foods that are good for us and foods that are truly polluting our bodies… I believe that most of us do want to eat healthier and know how but we don’t… why is this??
Are you stressed out? Too busy? Confused by all the choices? Don’t have enough time? Not inspired? Living an Un-healthy lifestyle (or living with someone who is unhealthy) and do not know how to change? Scared that you have to give up going out for meals, having a glass of wine or partying with your friends? Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed?
Don’t worry…losing weight and transitioning to a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to give up your social life or do anything drastic….it simply means learning what to eat so you feel healthy, happy, thin, energetic and confident!
Guess what?? I have been there and understand what you are going through and I am here for you now! I was in the food industry for over 25 years and I know first hand what you have been eating and how The Standard American Diet is making you sick and fat… GUESS WHAT?? It is not your fault…once you learn how to eat and exercise, Losing Weight and Feeling Great will be as easy as brushing your teeth!! That is my PROMISE to you!!
Let me help you get back on the path to losing weight by ending food confusion, fear and insecurity.
At the end of the day, the real reason you are overweight and struggling. It is not your fault.”
Join us Saturday, February 8 from 8-12 for our Valentine’s Day Boutique and Open House and drop in the seminar for a fresh start to the new year.