May Makeover Warriors

Say Hi to Kimberly!

She is taking on this month’s challenge and she wants to work on weight loss and cardio. She also plans on attending yoga class at least once a week.

Cardio workouts are great for burning fat and losing weight, but did you know that it also makes your heart strong so that it doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood? It also increases your lung capacity and helps reduce your risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some forms of cancer!

Way to go, Kimberly! Keep us up to date on how you’re doing. We love progress reports!


Here’s Warrior Peggy whose goal is to build more muscle in her thighs. 

According to WebMD squats are the most common exercise for building the quadriceps and other large thigh muscles. But squats must be done carefully to avoid knee injury. The basic squat involves holding a barbell on your shoulders behind your neck and lowering your torso a few inches by bending your legs.

Let’s grab some weights and start some competitive squatting!  

Our next May Makeover Challenge Superhero is Mark!

He has decided to add the “Stretch and Balance” class to his weekly routine. This class is great for improving your balance, coordination, and posture leaving you looking and feeling younger, confident and more energized.

The class is taught by certified trainer Steve Reece on Wednesdays from 8:30am – 9:30am.

Come join Mark next Wednesday to support and motivate him (and yourself)! First class is free!

Here’s Warrior Laura.

She plans on adding stretching and yoga to her weekly habits and also to avoid snacks after dinner.

Cutting down on grazing after 7pm sounds like something we all should do.

As for yoga, we’ve got you covered! Come to Neelam‘s class on Fridays at 9:45am or Sunday mornings at 9:30. Or check out Sacha‘s classes Monday nights at 6:30, Wednesday mornings at 9:45. 

Meet Fitness Warrior Barbara.

She simply wants to lose 5 pounds. She’s making a good effort just by the amount of classes she attends a week! 

In addition to getting her moves on, she could amp up her success by drinking lots of water, staying away from processed foods and getting a good night’s sleep.

Olga is a serious Warrior!

She plans on losing 5 pounds and to get back on a healthy track.

To do this she’s planning on spending 2 days working with a personal trainer, she’ll take Steve‘s Stretch and Balance Class and then 3 days of cardio a week!

See what I mean? Serious! 

For Warrior Terry it’s all about the tush! And thighs.

Pam‘s Power Sculpt classes can help out with this.  By taking this one hour class 3 times a week, Terry will participate in lots of butt-kicking exercises!

You can join her! Power Sculpt class meets Tuesdays 8:30am and 5:30pm, Thursdays 8:30am and 5:30pm, and Saturday mornings at 8:30.

Toned thighs and tush are 30 days away!

Our courageous warrior Claire wants to have FAB ABS IN 30!!

Great abs are definitely an admirable goal.  But more importantly core strength is crucial to every movement you do. Strong core muscles make it easier to do most physical activities while also improving balance and stability!  You’ll want to concentrate on exercises that work the whole middle area such as crunches, leg lifts, planks, and bridges. 

The side effect of a strong core? Great abs!

Claire, we think YOU’RE fab for taking this challenge! 

Mom’s Day Gift Boutique

Stop by and pick up a last minute gift for Mom or a special unique item for yourself!

Sip bubbly and shop next Saturday between 8 and 2 when we’ll have special prices on merchandise offered by our favorite vendors plus a number of new ones. On hand we’ll have Jewelry Designs by Jacqueline, Brazil Activewear, Pacific Candle Co. (made right here in Huntington Beach) DoTerra Essential Oils, NuSkin products, and AthletiCBD offering oils, balms and bath bombs.

Too many great items to list, come see for yourself!

May Makeovers

Join us during the month of May for inspiration and motivation to achieve your personal goals! We will be posting before and after shots with testimonials of what we are doing to achieve our May Makeover goals. Please join us in our adventure to be the best version of ourselves. Love to hear from you and see your results. Check out all of our motivational classes. Take one for free and see what all the excitement is about. Happy May and happy results to a healthier you!

Happy Anniversary!

Happy anniversary to us but you get the gift!

We’ve had 1 year together so to celebrate we are offering


to check us out and fall in love with all of our classes!

Sign up in April and get a


worth $100.00

Take a look at all the amazing classes we offer and find the schedule here.

Spring Blow Out Sale!

Spring Blow-out Sale at Huntington Harbour Athletic Club

Saturday, March 2


Let’s get ready for the summer and look great doing it!

Workout capris available for purchase at Huntington Harbour Athletic Club

Come in for special prices on Brazil Activewear, enjoy a demo from one of our massage therapists and drop into any class for free all morning! 

Yoga pants available for purchase at Huntington Harbour Athletic Club
Workout top available for purchase at Huntington Harbour Athletic Club
Workout capris available for purchase at Huntington Harbour Athletic Club
Workout shorts available for purchase at Huntington Harbour Athletic Club

Checkout our class schedule with the best instructors around! 

Come have some champagne, shop and sign up at the best private gym in town!